
Virginia Carlsten is an American who has been living between the US and Italy for the past 18 years. She was living in Rome with her husband until 2009 when they moved to Charleston, South Carolina. They moved back to Italy in January 2012 and are living in Puglia with their daughter.

The idea of this blog came from discoveries in her own kitchen, as well as the different flavors experienced in the kitchens of others while living in different parts of Italy, and during her travels. This is a food blog not just of recipe ideas, but also the exploration of the 20 breads of Italy, region by region, town by town.

27 Responses to “About”

  1. Ciao Virginia!!!! Wt a surprise!!!
    Congrats 4 ur blog, it’s amazing!!!
    Ciao ciao

  2. What a lovely site, every page is mouth-watering. I love Italy’s culinary diversity.

  3. I have not heard of a bread called rucola, rucola is actually the Italian word for arugula.

  4. Have you ever heard of an Italian bread called ‘rucola’? If you have, could you tell me where i can get. also the recipe?
    Thank you

  5. Thank you!!! What a compliment

  6. Hi, Virginia! Just wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for the Sisterhood of the World award. Thanks for all your cooking inspiration, friend.

    Here’s the link if you’d like to read more about the award:


  7. Love it!

  8. LOL. I was researching on italian breads and your blog popped out in google. After an hour reading a couple of your posts, then I realize that I actually know you!!!!!:)

  9. gostei de conhecer este site , me interessei muito pela qualidades dos produtos , gostaria de compartilhar recebendo as receitas

  10. This is such a great blog. I particularly loved the posts about the 20 breads of Italy. I have a blog called Sabina: A Stunning Land – My Secret Italy, lamiasabina.blogspot.ca Puglia, eh? I love the olive oils from that region. One day we will get there. Keep up the great work!

  11. Thanks a lot! I’m adding it right now! 😀

  12. Of course you may, I’ll love all of the traffic to my blog. I wish that I could add more breads, but since we moved to the US I don’t have the same access to Italy’s great breads like I used to.

  13. Hi! May I add your fantastic 20 breads of Italy page as permanent link on my blog? It’s a very useful resource for my blog’s purpose!

  14. I liked your crochette di riso. You might like to try my ham croquettes.

  15. Very very nice blog site!

  16. I don’t have Nana’s cookie recipe 😦 but I do have some others. I’ll send them to you. This blog is wonderful, Jenny. The photos are fantastic! Keep it up…

  17. I would be big as a house. I want me some of that there pizza. My mouth was watering. Great new recipes!

  18. i love to read your blog v. and … the clincher: i don’t cook. much. (but i do eat.) cin cin to an auspicious beginning and a dynastic future (?). Looking at these fotos and not have the cook and the cooked nearby is too cruel to put up with for too long.

  19. v!!you are going to be a famosa chef!!! starting next week i am going to start your rececetas one by one…they look so amazing and your writing is just divine. mucho amor to you dulce!!

  20. this is the best picture ever! bueno suerte amiga!!!

  21. this is great jenny, keep it up!

    definitely gonna try the pasta e fagioli recipe–it might make the cold cork rain seem a little less miserable!

  22. Glorious pictures, and great writing! The Italian feast from grocery to gastronome. I’ve had your cuttlefish which was fantastic. Keep on blogging Mama! I can’t wait to try your recipes–or wait!! maybe I can until you and Mico come home for the holidays.

  23. Awesome! I’m thrilled to watch your culinary adventures! Cin-cin!

  24. Do you have any of Nana’s recipes? I would love them, especially for her chocolate chip cookies. I miss her Christmas packages with the Quaker Oats box wrapped in tin foil with a bow on top filled with her cookies. Mmmmmm

  25. Jenny, your Nana Carlsten would have been so proud of you! She wrote her recipes the same way, in great and loving detail. She never followed a recipe without making her own revisions, with fantastic results. I read a book a while ago called Julie & Julia, about a woman who blogged as she attempted to cook every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. It was a fascinating read and a great complement to Julia Child’s masterpiece. If you end up writing a cookbook, I’ll buy the first copy!

    Much love and buona fortuna!

  26. Right on – a good writer in addition to being a good cook. Can’t wait to read/eat the rest of your posts!!

  27. This is so awesome- I’m so happy that you’re doing this!!

    miss you, love you…. 🙂

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